17 May 2008


We just returned home from a week in Seaside, OR. It was nice, the weather was really 50/50. The first few days it went from fog to rain to sun and back again in the span of mere moments. The latter part of the trip was full of sunshine, blue skies and lots of ice cream breaks!

The best parts of the week were (1) when West started walking all over the place! He was really enjoying his week of freedom from baby jail, and is great on his feet. He has a wonderful ability to fall with grace and he only had one hard fall. Unfortunately that fall was in the crosswalk and he got a wee scrape and bump along the eye brow. After some cuddles and kisses he was up and going again and kept on throughout the trip. And (2) when West went in a swimming pool for the first time. He took to the water like a fish and was really enjoying himself after getting used to it. Christian is hoping West will take after him and be a strong swimmer. He's already got a great dolphin kick!

While in the area we enjoyed the beach, family game night, the Seaside Aquarium, a great bonfire complete with wienie roasting and s'mores, we came home with enough saltwater taffy to feed an army, and best of all we got a break from our noisy, yucky apartment.

I was deeply saddened to leave since I had my own room and bathroom for an entire week. West slept in his new Kidco Peapod Plus travel bed and it made a great barricade and fort during the day. The travel bed wouldn't fit in the room with the big bed and the rooms we're too far apart to have West all alone in one and us in another so Christian, being a kind and generous husband, granted me my own space for the week minus snoring and alarms and everything! It was glorious...

The trip was a welcome change from the everyday, and West really had a great time being the center of the universe with a bigger audience, but it's good to be home, sort of.

03 May 2008

Time to walk!

Were you a preemie? Do you have any relatives who had
ure babies or were born prematurely themselves?
's a good chance the March of Dimes played a small
part in heali
ng and saving those you love!

Please consider donating to the March of Dimes for the walk we're doing tomorrow. My page will stay up for a while after the walk, but any pre-walk donations can still be made today (5/03/08).Please take a look at my personal page and think about donating any possible amount!
Just imagine if everyone you know donated 5$, just 5 little dollars...how quickly it all adds up!
The more we donate, the more people will receive help. Here's a breakdown of the benefits of raising the most money possible. You could help give someone a brand new car seat, provide diapers or prenatal vitamins to new and expectant parents, and most of all with any amount you choose to contribute, you will be helping to ensure that premature and newborn babies are getting the best possible start in life.

$500 - One year supply of prenatal vitamins for two women
$1000 - One month supply of diapers
$3000 - Car seat
$5000 - Newborn clothing for ten families
$10000 - Car seat, one month supply of diapers/clothing
$20000 - Crib, car seat, one month supply diapers/clothing
