31 March 2009

No rest for the wicked.

Most of my friends and family are now aware that I will not be attending EvCC this quarter due to circumstances that I am not able to change at the present time. I have decided to go forward with my learning though, by completing the reading list from the British Lit class (Chaucer, Beowulf, Shakespeare, etc.) as well as teaching myself more about Word, Excel and Power Point. Hopefully by the fall, I will have the funds to finance the required credits to fall back into good standing at the college and can move on toward my degree. This is not the end of my college education, and whether it takes 2 years or 5, or more, I will be a college grad.

In the meantime, I'll be focusing on finishing all the projects that have been going undone, promoting my planning business and most importantly having lots of fun doing my most important work; being a mother.
I would like to find part-time work outside the house to get some semi-steady "extra" income coming in, but it will be challenging with the uncertainty of Christian's weekly schedule.

It's all in the waiting and seeing...

29 March 2009

Here comes the sun!

We finally got to venture out to Legion Park today and spend some time outside in the sun! It was a nice day, a little windy and we had a great time meeting up with Davi and the kids. Here are a couple of photos from the park, Westley's Wheel of Fortune (the merry-go-round), Super Lizzy, and a roaring good time!

Yesterday when the weather was still gloom and doom galore, we spent time reading and playing games all day. Westley has a new favorite book now! His favorite reading material is the internationally acclaimed, beloved by millions Dr. Suess' There's a Wocket in my Pocket!".
Who could blame him? It's a fascinating tale of zowers in the showers, ninks in the sinks and one very rude noothgrush on my toothbrush...a great read at any age.

25 March 2009

Busy, Busy!

Wow! It's been a while since time has allowed an update so let's catch up. Ready???
Here we go...

We had a great Thanksgiving at my Uncle Jim's home with nearly the entire family! My parents, niece, nephew, came up from Eureka and we were joined by my in-laws and our wonderful friend, Sam, for the
holiday fun. Sam is the one in the pictures who looks nothing like the rest of us, but fits right in anyway! After giving much thanks for all we are fortunate enough to have, we enjoyed a wonderful meal and lots of great music and conversation, of course!

Christmas was f
un, but marred with a bit of illness which kept things interesting. Still, we had a wonderful time with Kaijsa here for a visit from Wyoming and lots of time with Christian's side of the family. Christmas even was spent with Christian's family at Grandma Virginia's home in Shoreline. It was a great evening and everyone had a fantastic time playing games, eating well and catching up. Unfortunately, Grandma was ill on Christmas morning, but we moved the festivities and gift bonanza to her house so she wasn't alone on Christmas, she was well taken care of, and able to enjoy all of us being together. After a big, yummy breakfast and opening all of our generous treasures, we headed home and had a nice quiet dinner with Sam. Steak and potatoes really hit the spot for Christmas dinner! For New year's Eve, I went over and hung out with Scott and a couple of friends, played games and relaxed. Christian stayed home with West and went to be early since it was off to work early the next morning, as usual.

Next on the
agenda was Scott's Birthday! Everyone got together at a fabulous Family Friendly Restaurant called the Trumpeter Public House, in Mount Vernon. The food was wonderful, it has a great atmosphere for any and all to enjoy, and they were very accommodating with our large group. For the birthday boy, be bestowed upon him many bags of marshmallows, some other goodies, and a Freshly baked Hazelnut Cake with Nutella cream-cheese icing. Everyone had a really fun evening and West and Lizzie had a little dance time, in between all the hugs West was sharing.

After a short break between parties and holidays, it was time for Westley's Birthday Party! This year, we went with a 50's dance theme since he still loves shaking that booty! On the menu was Homemade Mac and 5 cheeses, lots of veggies, Turkey Burgers and a few other little munchies here and there with a variety of cupcakes for dessert. Everyone had a great time and it was a really fun way to celebrate our amazing, brilliant growing boy and all his hilarity.

Just one day before the big party it was time for the first haircut. We went to a delightful place in Bellevue called City Folks Kids. He got to sit in a firetruck chair and enjoy a balloon while his beautiful golden locks were cut away, and in the end he looked like such a little man! I was so sad to see his curls gone, but the poor kid couldn't see so it was definitely time for a cut. He behaved like a champ and impressed everyone in the shop being so mellow while getting his cut.

While all this was going on over the winter months I was in the process of attempting to keep up with Winter quarter (Attempt failed, but will make it all up...) while I was serving as Assistant Director and Assistant Stage Manager for "Once upon a Mattress" with the Northwest Savoyards.
Sam directed the show, as well as designed the sets, choreographed the dance sequences and did an outstanding job with every aspect of the show. As for me, I was backstage along side the great crew every night, and even made a few appearances on stage in my "Brünhilda" costume! (My stage name came courtesy of my friend, our lovely Princess Winnifred, EmilyRose Shotwell.)

This was a new experience for me, being an AD, and I think I did really well with it. Sam and I worked together really well and all our late nights at the theatre gave us a chance
to develope an even closer friendship which I cherish so very much.

Now that the show has wrapped and we are all moving on to new things, I miss people and being in the theatre, but it's time to focus on family and school once again. Also must say that all the while when I was gone until 2a.m. working on the show (stuccoing walls, sewing tents, painting, helping with fittings, shopping for props and costumes, etc...) Christian was home with West being the best husband ever. He was so supportive, as always, and I am so thankful for all he did, and all he does to take such wonderful care of West and I every day.

A few other things: - West's 2 year stats: 40 and 3/8" Tall, 34.5 lbs.,
healthy and happy, bright as can be. He's full of chatter, and the dickens, and never fails to make us laugh with a grumpy face, or his silly games. He can count to 20, name a lot of shapes, colors, letters and animals. He's very into coloring right now, and is great with a soccer ball. We are so proud of and full of joy to have such an amazing little person in our lives. Even when he starts to be terribly two, or scream at the top of his lungs in a restaurant or shop only to be hastily removed by one of us so as not to disturb other patrons,
we can't help but laugh...most of the time!

- Christian's still training clients at apple, always working on his website and on the hunt for a non-retail job, but we are so lucky we have any income at all right now with the economic crisis.

- Spring Quarter starts soon! Computer literacy, Economics and Survey of British Lit!

- Ordered business cards and registered a Domain Name for my event planning business;
Modestly Merry Events Orchestration and Design. Yay!
- Am taking an Acting Class from Scott Randall!
- We're trying to plan a trip down to CA this summer but all depends on $$$!

Well, West is avoiding a nap as usual, so I must away to settle my super-toddler! Enjoy the new slideshow to the right and be on the lookout for many more frequent updates to come.